I have a little analogy… I believe people and opportunities are like matches. Watch the video to see it in action, or if you prefer reading, it’s a little lower down this page. [...]
Knowledge is the key to wealth in knowledge based communities. Therefore, professionals should constantly learn and develop to stay ahead of the pack. When the spirit of entrepreneurship is [...]
Have you ever struggled to find the words to describe yourself? “Nice”, “Friendly”, “Funny”, “Quiet”… these words don’t really capture it do they? It’s not easy to find the words to describe [...]
I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. – Stephen Covey This is such a powerful statement. How can a person not become a product of their circumstances? There is a [...]
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone It can be easy to get stuck in a comfort zone and find that life has become an endless round of the same routine. However, once in a while it is good to find a way to [...]
Don’t have regrets; make good memories now Many people get to the end of their lives and wish they had done certain things or lived their lives a particular way. However it is possible to [...]
Is there something you always wanted to do? Then make it happen! Many people are prevented from accomplishing an ambition or life dream by a set of obstacles they create themselves. There are a [...]
The key to success is to have a good balance of drive and ambition with humility and compassion. The brash, self-promoting, materialistic view of success that is often seen through the media is [...]
Change can be one of the biggest challenges to our daily lives. At work, in our home lives and as part of our recreational pursuits we are constantly required to adapt, take on new skills and [...]