Do you have your own personal board of directors? If you don’t, you should. What we are talking about today is not the kind of group that arranges themselves strategically around a big intimidating board table, and discusses pressing issues. This board of directors is specifically created for you and by you to assist in daily guidance and leadership.
According to Wikipedia, A board of directors is defined as “a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization. Other names include board of governors, board of managers, board of regents, board of trustees, and board of visitors. It is often simply referred to as “the board”. With that stated, if you are the “company” who would be on your board of directors?
This is your opportunity to create your own personal board of directors. Imagine yourself standing in the middle of a pentagon. At each point of the pentagon, you need to decide who will represent each seat of your board of directors. Once each seat is appointed you can imagine what each person’s response, advice, or direction would be when you are seeking personal guidance.
The first seat is The Link. The Link is the person who is deeply connected within your community, and highly regarded for their wisdom and experience in their career field. The Link is a most imperative for networking purposes, and identifying new opportunities. The Link can help you to move your career or personal life in the desired direction.
The second seat is The Allegiant. The Allegiant is the person who will keep you accountable for your actions. If you have pledged to accomplish a goal, then The Allegiant will always be the person to scrape the Oreo off your tongue if a healthy lifestyle is your desired goal. The Allegiant will also assist you to identify your pitfalls, and give you the critical feedback when you need it the most.
The third seat is The Empath. The Empath is the person who is always willing to listen, and can keep their opinions close to the chest. The Empath understands that sometimes you just need to break it down to build a stronger more resilient self. When you are building that stronger more resilient self, The Empath will be there to open the door for the next seat holder.
Entering through the door is The Zealot. The Zealot will cheer you onto success, and help you form the dreams to chase. The Zealot has exponential faith in your ability to succeed in anything. They will motivate you, and will constantly remind you without risk there is no reward.
Your new board of directors would not be complete without the last seat for The Sage. The person in your life that supports you and pushes you to be your best is The Sage. Your trust and respect for this person runs very deep, and their life experiences have been a source of guidance for you. This is the person that you can relate to, and then can help you achieve your destiny.
This cast of characters may sound like a fictional medieval novel, but having these resources available in your life is more beneficial than you can imagine. You can use this group as an imaginary board of directors that you secretly pose your questions to. However, when you purposely seek the people to fill these roles in your life, you will experience a great deal of influence and power over your life’s direction. You are always the chairperson of the board, and will know if the advice is to be acted on or stored for later. “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”